Institut Régional de Formation Sanitaire et Sociale

The Regional Institute of Health and Social Training Nouvelle-Aquitaine (IRFSS) is one of 600 establishments of the French Red Cross, the first private institution of the medical-social and health sector within the social and solidarity economy. The IRFSS develops a training offer in line with the needs of individuals, with the requirements of professionalization of employees and organizations; To meet the orientation «Training throughout life», our institute offers training along a continuum: pre-qualification, initial training, continuing vocational training.

Institut Régional de Formation Sanitaire et Sociale

22-25, rue des Terres Neuves

33130 Bordeaux-Bègles

The IRFSS welcomes more than 1,500 students and 9,000 people in continuing education, supervised by 183 employees throughout Nouvelle-Aquitaine: 1,100 students in Nursing, 250 students in Physiotherapy, 30 Orderlies, 30 paramedics, 60 medical and medical secretaries-100 Social Workers, 40 Auxiliary Childcare. The IRFSS is the holder of the Erasmus+ Charter, allowing its students and staff to move around throughout Europe.