Campus Pro

For almost 30 years, Campus Pro has been training people for skilled, in-demand jobs on sandwich courses. At our sites in Lille, Euralille and Dunkirk, we currently offer around twenty training courses in four different sectors: Bouche, Restauration, Commerce and QSE. We train over 700 people a year, and work with a wide variety of companies in our regions, from craftsmen to multinationals, from supermarkets to the best regional restaurants. Qualiopi certified, member of the Scholis Quality Business School network. Campus Pro is a benchmark training center located in the Hauts-de-France region. Campus Pro offers services eligible for the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF) and is committed to respecting the Charte de déontologie des Acteurs de la compétence.

Campus Pro

5 rue de l'Innovation

59260 Lille

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